About Lake Erie Starts Here
The water in Lake Erie starts in everyone’s neighborhood throughout our region; stormwater in northwest Ohio drains to our streams and rivers, and ultimately to Lake Erie. Doing your part to keep pollution off the land and out of storm drains helps to keep pollution out of Lake Erie, too.
Stormwater Coalition
The TMACOG Stormwater Coalition is a group of 27 local governments that work together on regional efforts and provide stormwater services for more than 508,000 residents in Northwest Ohio. This partnership is coordinated by Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG).

Lucas County
City of Maumee
City of Oregon
City of Sylvania
City of Toledo
City of Waterville
Village of Holland
Village of Ottawa Hills
Village of Swanton
Village of Whitehouse
Jerusalem Township
Monclova Township
Sylvania Township
Spencer Township
Springfield Township
Waterville Township
Washington Township
Wood County
City of Bowling Green
City of Northwood
City of Perrysburg
City of Rossford
Village of Haskins
Village of Millbury
Village of Walbridge
Ottawa County
Allen Township